Return order

How long can I return an item?
After receiving your order, you have 14 days to return the item to us.

Which shipping service provider do I use for returns?
For your return to us, use a parcel service provider of your choice.

Will the return shipping costs be reimbursed?
Return shipping costs will not be refunded.
If there is a product defect or a complaint, please contact us in advance and we can address your concerns individually and solve the problem.

How can I complain about a defective product?
Please contact us by email or telephone and a member of staff will take up your complaint.

What happens if my item is damaged in shipping?
If an item delivered is damaged, faulty or does not function properly in any way, you can complain about the item . Please contact us in advance by phone or email to resolve your problem.

How do I get my money back?
The credit is always made using the method you specified as your payment method when ordering.

How long does it usually take until I receive a credit?
As soon as the return has arrived and been checked, the invoice amount will be credited within 14 days via the payment method you chose when ordering.

How do I return my order?
Place the item in the package and attach the parcel stamp to your return - please provide sufficient franking on the return label

2. Take the package to a drop-off point or post office

Please keep the receipt for your return in a safe place

4. Once the return arrives, your return will be processed immediately

To which address should I send the return?
Address for your return to our company:
Fabrikstrasse 27
01445 Radebeul

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us:

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